Sunday, June 12, 2022

eARC Book review: Kiss Hard (Hard Play #4) by Nalini Singh


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eARC Provided by publisher

Daniel Esera is a young god on the rugby field, a sexy and charming man who's got the world at his feet. There's just one problem: his sudden potent attraction to his number one nemesis--Catie River. No. Just no. Not happening.

Catie River is on her way to Paralympic gold, and she's not about to allow Danny "Hotshot" Esera to derail her plans. Too bad her body isn't cooperating. Even worse? Her heart might be coming along for the ride. No. Nope. Never.

The pair are united in their desire to remain enemies... until a stranger's reckless action threatens both their careers. Now, the only way out for Catie and Danny is to pretend to be in a relationship. How bad can it be? They're adults in full control of their hormones and their hearts. There will be no kissing. No PDA. And definitely no falling in love.

Let the games begin.

Danny and Catie have known each other since they were kids. Danny's brother and Catie's sister are married and since then in a lot of ways Catie's been a part of Danny's family.  They've always been frenemies but in a not mean way. More of a teasing way. There were rules. They might have teased or tormented each other but also always protected each other. Danny is the baby of his family and in some ways he wasn't seen the way his older brother's were. He's got some hang up there he's working out. Catie had a dad who for the most part was never available to her and a mom who had to schedule her daughter into her business life. Catie has a older sister that in most ways took care of her like a mom. If you're reading this series you know most of the characters. Danny's family is really tightknit and pull everyone who means something to them in. You really can't help but fall in love. Nalini Singh just has a way of weaving your attention right into the story. You want to just keep on reading and when it's done you wish there was 100 more pages. Enjoyment from page one on.

Find out more about Nalini Singh and this series here

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